English news

Syrian army counterterrorism operations continue, more terrorists killed

3776 2014-03-16

Units of the armed forces carried out several special operations on Friday in which they ambushed terrorists, killed others, thwarted infiltration attempts and released kidnapped civilians.

Army units advance in Yabroud farms

A military source said the army units advanced in the farms of Yabroud city in Damascus Countryside and tightened control over the eastern entrance and northeastern borders of the town.

The source added that full collapse within the armed terrorist groups’ ranks accompanied the army’s advance in the city.

SANA field reporter said that the army units killed anumber of terrorists in the industrial area and al-Qlaih roundabout in Yabroud city.

Among the dead terrorists were Maher Yusuf, Mahmoud Abdulazez and Muhab al-Sayyed Ahmad, while other terrorists were arrested at the southern enterance of the city.

The reporter added that other terrorists were killed in Afra town, including Khaldon Sweid and Ahmad Shaban.

She added that other army units destroyed large amounts of weapons and ammunition, in addition to killing scores of terrorists in Barada valley.

Other army units inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists in Halboun town.

Meanwhile, the army units killed all members of an armed terrorist group in Adra al-Balad.

Another army unit killed many terrorists in Jobar neighborhood, including Khalid Suleiman and Mohammad Abu Areda from Lebanon and al-Abadi al-Yunisi from Tunisia.

Army foils terrorists’ attempts to infiltrate military post in Idleb

The army units foiled attempts by terrorists to infiltrate Abu al-Dohour area “near Abu al-Dohour airport” in Idleb countryside, killing and injuring scores of the assailants.

A military source told SANA that the army also targeted terrorists’ gatherings in the area of Sarmin, destroying a weapons warehouse and eliminating scores of terrorists.

An army unit ambushed a terrorist group in the area of Sahl al-Rouj in Idleb countryside, killing all of the group’s members and seizing their weapons and ammunition. Terrorists Abdul-Rahman al-Omar, Hussein Othman, Ouday Nizar Haj Asaad, Deeb Hussein al-Deeb and Alaa Hussein were identified among the dead.

Army tightens control over hills surrounding al- Hasarjieh village in Talkalakh countryside

Army units, in cooperation with the National Defense forces have tightened control over the hills surrounding al-Hasarjieh village on the road to al-Husn town in Talkalakh countryside in Homs.

A military source said that army units, in cooperation with the National Defense forces have tightened control over the hills surrounding al-Hasarjieh village and overlooking al-Shouwayhed village and on the road leading to al-Husn town in Talkalakh countryside in Homs.

The source added that a number of terrorists have turned themselves and weapons in to the Syrian army.

Army units repelled two terrorist groups on the road to al-Ghajar and Rahoum villages in Homs eastern countryside, killed numbers of terrorists and wounded others, and destroyed a vehicle equipped with a heavy machinegun.

Terrorists ambushed, infiltration attempt foiled in Homs

In Homs countryside, a military source told SANA reporter that an army unit thwarted an armed terrorist group's infiltration attempt from al-Dar al-Kabira towards al-Dweir village in Homs countryside, leaving its members killed and injured.

Meanwhile, an army unit ambushed an armed terrorist group which attempted to escape from al-Hossn town to Khalid valley in Lebanon, killing all its members.

Army eliminates terrorists in Daraa countryside

The army units clashed with terrorists in the area of al-Hajja in Daraa countryside and eliminated scores of them.

A military source told SANA that among the killed terrorists were Abu Hazem Maarda, Abu Alqama al-Idari, Abu Khalil al-Idari, Abu Ahmad al-Tufayli, Abu Hassan al-Maani and Abu al-Hayjaa.

Terrorists' dens stormed, several arrested in Hama

The authorities, in cooperation with the locals, stormed two terrorists' den in al-Qusor district in Hama and arrested all terrorists inside it.

A military source told SANA that Terrorists Mustafa Habra, Omar Ramadan al-Hussein, Adnan Qatrameez and Aslan Halabiyeh were among the terrorists who were arrested.

A number of machineguns, snipers, grenades and explosive devices seized in the hideouts and an explosive device planted at the entrance of the district was dismantled.

Non-Syrian terrorists killed in Lattakia countryside

A military source told SANA that the army units killed and injured scores of terrorists in the villages and towns of Salma, Dweiren, al-Dwra, al-Dweirkeh, al-Shaiseh and Ghmam in the northern countryside of Lattakia, destroying their weapons and ammunition.

Among the dead terrorists were Abu Saad from Kuwait, Amjad al-Khaznawi and Abu Omar al-Ghanidi from Saudi Arabia, Haitham al-Khlafi from Libya and Mansour al-Ghazawi from Tunisia, Mahmoud Madniyeh, Mo'aen Salwa, Mahran al-Abed and Mansour Hido.

The source added that the army units destroyed a warehouse full of rockets, mortars and a car equipped with 23 mm machine gun.

Army units release 3 abducted women in Lattakia

In another context, SANA reporter said that an army unit, in cooperation with national defense forces, released 3 women from the villages of al-Hambushiyeh, Barouda and Ballouta in the northern countryside of Lattakai, who had been abducted by the armed terrorist groups.

Army units inflict heavy losses upon terrorists in Aleppo and its countryside

A military source told SANA that the army units killed scores of terrorists in the neighborhoods of Hanano, Bani Zaid, Bustan al-Qaseir, Karm Maiser and al-Rashiden, in addition to destroying their weapons and ammunition.

The source added that other army units killed and injured scores of terrorists in the villages and towns of al-Aweijeh, Handarat camp, al-Mislmiyeh, Bab al-Nairab, industrial city, Hailan, Kwaires, Rasm al-Aboud and the area surrounding the central prison.

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