English news

Terrorists are in control of Diyala University ...are they deans of colleges or terrorists?

Buratha News Agency – Sunday 4th Feb 2007 Over 50 Shia and Kurds teaching staff were assassinated of displaced.

Informed sources close to Diyala university headquarter told our correspondence that both Dr Abd Al_Karem Oraibi Dean of college of Sciences and Abd Al-Aziz Al-Hadethi  dean of College of Law are directly responsible  for the rampant violence taking place in the university and its colleges.


 The actual performant to intimidate the teaching staff is Saadoun Taha Al-Ajeeli who is a teacher in college of Law and Media director of the university. His brother Dr Ayad Tah Al-Ajeeli ,teaching staff in college of education and Imam of Ibn Hanbal in notorious AL-Tahreer district in Baquba , is leader of terrorists groups and had previously arrested many times but released under the pressure of the Iraqi Islamic party leadership. Both terrorists brother have the support and sponsorship of the associate dean of the college of Law   Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taiee who displaced Shia and Kurds competent teaching staff from the college in agreement with the ex-university presdent Dr Husham Shehata (accused with administrative and financial corruption).

The sources said terrorists infiltrated with the support of some staff caused the assassination of more than 10 teachinf staff:-

    Prof Mohamed Abbas Al-Tamimi  Dean  college of computing

      Prof Karem Salman Al-Hamad    Associate dean college of computing

      Reader Meshhan Hardan Mathlom   Secretary of University

    Dr Walhan Hameed Al-Timimi  Dean of college of Sports education

      Dr (Lady) Mayes Ghaneem  Teaching staff College of Education/ English)

    Dr Abd Al-Kareem Al-Khafajee Associate dean of Faculty of medicine

      Dr Abd al-Satar Abd Al-Jabar  college of veternaty

  Faeq Zenganh Teaching assistant

      Mohameed Ghaeeb teaching assistant college of Sceinces

  Samaeh (Lady) Abd allah college of Education / Computing


These sources added that three professors survived many assassination attempts in different times:-

    Prof Abbas Fadel Jawad associate dean of Education of college

Prof Abd Al-Satar Al-Asadi  associate of Education college

Dr Waleed  Naass Head of Arabic department

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